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26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. Performing arts - arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. Literature - /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor, li treuh /, n. Location(s) Punchestown Racecourse, County Kildare, Ireland … Wikipedia Oxegen 2008 - The Verve headlining Oxegen 08. Official name, United Kingdom of Great… … Universalium United Kingdom - a kingdom in NW Europe, consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: formerly comprising Great Britain and Ireland 1801 1922. ♦ Locuciones: ¡lo que faltaba!, that's all it needed! (ofender) no era mi intención faltarte al respeto, I didn't mean to be rude to you Sólo me falta el último capítulo por leer, I've only got the last chapter to readĤ (no acudir) tu hermano faltó a la cita, your brother didn't turn up/comeĥ (incumplir) eso es faltar a la verdad, that is not telling the truthįaltar uno a su palabra, to break one's wordĦ (insultar) faltar a alguien, to be rude to someone: ¡sin faltar!, don't be rude! No falta nada por hacer, there's nothing more to be done

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¡no me faltes al respeto! don't be rude to meġ (estar ausente) to be missing: falta el jefe, the boss is missingĢ (no tener) to be lacking: le falta personalidad, he lacks personalityģ (restar) to be left: aún falta para la Navidad, it's a long time until Christmasįaltó poco para que ganaran, they very nearly won ◊ faltó a su promesa he didn't keep his promise Tenemos que terminar con esta situación, we have to put an end to this situationģ (estar rematado) to end: termina en vocal, it ends with a vowel (acabar la vida, carrera, etc) to end up: terminó amargada, she ended up being embitteredĢ (eliminar, acabar) este niño terminará con mi paciencia, this boy is trying my patience (dejar de necesitar, utilizar) ¿has terminado con el ordenador?, have you finished with the computer?

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No termina de creérselo, he still can't believe it ◊ se me terminó la lana I've run out of woolĢ to come to an end, be overģ ( enf) ‹ libro/comida› to finish, polish offġ (una tarea, objeto) to finish: ya terminó el jersey, she has already finished the pullover ➣ Ver nota en finish 2 (de comer, beber, gastar) to finish: te compraré otro cuando termines este frasco, I'll buy you another one when you finish this bottleġ (cesar, poner fin) to finish, end: mi trabajo termina a las seis, I finish work at six o'clock (relaciones de pareja) rompieron hace una semana, they broke up a week ago ➣ Ver nota en break

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(una tela, un papel) to tear (up): rompió el contrato en pedazos, he tore the contract into piecesĢ (relaciones, una negociación) to break offġ (empezar el día, etc) to break: al cabo de un rato rompió a hablar, after a while she started talkingĢ (poner un fin) to break : he roto con el pasado, I've broken with the past (un cristal, una pieza de loza) to smash, shatter No acaba de decidirse, she hasn't made up her mind yet 4 acabar en: el partido de fútbol acabó en tragedia, the football match ended in tragedy 5 acabar por/acabar + gerundio acabé creyendo/por creer que estaba loca, I ended up thinking she was mad (destruir, eliminar) to destroy something: hay que acabar con la tortura, we must get rid of tortureįigurado las presiones acabaron con su carrera política, the overwhelming pressure finished off his political career 3 acabar de: acaba de llegar de Río, he's just arrived from Río (matar) to kill: la droga está acabando con él, he's killing himself with drugs Un trabajo que no se acaba nunca a never-ending o an endless task ġ to finish (off) ➣ Ver nota en finish 2 (completar) to completeġ to finish, end: todo acabó bien, it all ended happily 2 acabar con (agotar las existencias) to finish somethingįigurado estás acabando con mi paciencia, I'm losing my patience with you Se le acabaron las fuerzas he ran out of energy ◊ se nos acabó el café we ran out of coffee

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